Welcome back to another song review Friday! I've got 11 songs to get through, so let's start with...

Kirk Hammett- "High Plains Drifter" (instrumental rock)

     Ah, Metallica. One of the greatest metal bands ever, influential to many, tons of classic albums, you name it. So what am I to expect when their lead guitarist puts out a solo single? Well, 1) no singing and 2) Spanish guitar? Yeah, I was shocked to hear the first half be dominated by Spanish influenced acoustics, which if done right can be very pretty in sound. So of course Kirk is able to do it right. For those who prefer his more electric side, that's what the second half consists of, along with some symphonic elements and a solo. So yeah, good stuff.

Stand Atlantic- "Switchblade" (nu-punk, "hyperpunk")

     StAt are taking a very interesting direction with what they call "hyperpunk", which takes pop punk and adds elements of Trap and Hyperpop to it. For the most part, it's very entertaining and helps them stand out from the crowd. Thankfully, no element overpowers the others in the song too much and there's a nice yet short solo too. They lyrics are also quite relatable, talking about how someone can take all these venomous things spewed at them for only so long before they get mentally worn out and crack. So yeah, check it out and save the date for their upcoming album. 

NOAHFINNCE- "Tell Me That You're Okay" (Grunge)

     This year, I decided to follow a UK based youtuber named NOAHFINNCE, who is mostly know for his LGBTQ+ content, as well as being a member of the Bisexual and Trans community. He also makes some kickass music too, which got him signed to Hopeless Records. On this song, he strays away a bit from his usual Pop Punk sound and goes for a more 90s Grunge approach, and does an amazing job. The production is fantastic, his vocals are superb, and the theme of helping others fix their problems while they (and you as well) ignore yours is super hard hitting. Definitely recommend. 

Harry Styles- "As It Was" (Synthpop)

     With The Weeknd pushing his 80s Synthpop revival to the forefront, a lot a notable artists have been jumping aboard the trend too. One of the most recent is Harry Styles, who is now in his third album cycle. As for the song? Well, subtle guitars tones are a nice touch, the hook does its job, and the lyrics about looking back on a relationship and seeing how much the two of you have changed is made for a good listen. Solid pop tune.

Tallah- "The Impressionist" (Nu-Core)

     Tallah is an interesting band, in that they seem like a band that everyone both is and isn't talking about at the same time. They're sorta like this new, crazier breed of Nu Metal, but are very avante garde as well. Still, they've garnered some attention with their debut album "Matriphagy" and, after gaining a turntablist/programmer and Alex Snowden, ex-member of Doll Skin, they're on the verge of releasing their latest album, "The Generation of Danger". With this being the second single, this needs to further the hype. For the most part, it does, as the lyrics do add suspense to the story they're building, further emphasized by vocalist Justin's various vocal techniques, as well as a semi-chaotic solo. But if there's anything to critique, it's the tinny production on the drums and guitar and how Justin's vocals seemed buried in the mix. It sorta ruins the experience for me, just saying.

D.R.U.G.S.- "Brighter Side" (Post-hardcore) 

     You know, as much as I was hyped for the return of this Craig Owens project, they haven't really been wowing me with their recent material, including this. There just isn't that spark they had before and that's sad. So let's just get this over with, shall we? For having a former member of BMTH in your band, he seems really buried in the mix here, overbeared by the drum production and Craig's OVERBEARING singing. Like, he sounds like he's trying to scream over a crowd and it's just really uncomfortable. Add the soulless lyrics and you have a song that's just a waste of my time. NEXT!

April Art- "Sky Is The Limits" (Alt Metal) 

     Now here's a song worth my time! For those who don't know, April Art is an German band I discovered from a Nik Nocturnal video from a year ago. This is their most recent single from two weeks ago (oops!) and it totally rips! If you're looking for a killer female vocalist, bouncy bass riffs, superb production, and knockout hooks, this band is for you. The only downside is that the lyrics feel like they could be mistaken for an S Club 7 song, but since English isn't their first language, I'll let it slide.

Veil of Maya- "Synthwave Vegan" (Djent)

     I haven't been too familiar with VoM, but I had heard their prior single "Outrun", so I decided to check this one out. And... where do I start? Fans certainly been enjoying it, but I haven't. This feels like run of the mill Djent, like what I'd expect from the genre and I don't mean that as a complement. It feels like a demo, complete with Lukas' vocals getting REALLY lost in the mix, the hook is barely existent, the lyrics feel very thrown together and it all just makes it feel like a mess. So yeah, the fans can keep this. I don't really want it.

Static Dress- "fleahouse" (Post-hardcore) 

     So i have to ask, why do we keep asking for older bands to come back and not let other bands fill in? Like, D.R.U.G.S. doesn't have to be around when we have bands like Static Dress, who have released the second single to their upcoming debut album "Rogue Carpet Disaster". And it really kicks ass, with its fantastic melodies, solid structure, beautiful hook and production,  and a solid solo. The lyrics seem to play with the narrative of someone who wonders why the significant other is with them when they clearly prefer quick flings. Overall, HUGE recommendation. 

Red Handed Denial- "White Water" (Metalcore) 

Have you ever experienced a moment when someone you look up to as a fall from grace and you're left to wonder why that happened? That seems to be what this song from the Canadian Metalcore band Red Handed Denial is exploring. It's a very touching song that's very relatable to many people, on top of a solid riff, smooth vocal layering on Lauren's voice, a good bass tone, and a superb solo as the cherry on top. Check it out. 

Architects- "When We Were Young" (Metalcore) 

I honestly didn't expect for the UK Metalcore band to surprise release a new single. But you know what, I'll take it. There's rhythm, a good riff, good production, and Sam is as good as always. And again with a relatable theme of looking back and being young, brash, taking things for granted. I love it. In the words of Crash Thompson, I could pit to this.

     So that's this week's song review! Best of the Bunch will go to Static Dress, as that melody really just feels blissful to me, with the honorable mention going to April Art. Worst of the Bunch easily goes to Veil of Maya, that song just really felt wrong to me, and dishonorable mention is going to D.R.U.G.S, as that song just doesn't feel listenable to me.

Anyway, see you guys next time!


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